• Eesti Keel
  • English (United Kingdom)
  • Finnish (Suomi)
  • Russian (CIS)
A smart idea merits a worthy translation
Estonian, Russian, Finnish, English, German, Swedish, Latvian, Lithuanian …
vehicles, heavy machinery, building, road construction, boilers, burners, heating systems, ventilation, water supply, sewerage, piping, pumps, valves, tools, workbenches, mechanical engineering, electronics, automation, communications, IT, software, electricity, power engineering, environmental protection, chemistry, medicine, food industry, contracts, economy, bookkeeping, banking, organization planning, job descriptions, marketing, advertising, standards ...
The Technical Translation Centre
is the founding member of the
following professional associations:
The Technical Translation Centre
is the member of the
following professional associations:


We advise you to plan enough time for translation as a good text will not be completed overnight. Unfortunately, real needs are often met in real time... we can and do. But…

We always try to meet the client halfway and do everything possible to meet the requested deadline, but at the same time we consider if the time limit is realistic for the work.

During a day, a translator can produce about 5 pages of meaningful text; with a longer text the speed will go slightly up and with a shorter one it may fall well below the average. It bears repeating: Whenever possible, for your own interests, please ask for your translation in advance of urgent deadlines.

The most consistent quality is obtained when the entire text is translated by one translator and edited by one editor. In case of a short deadline or a very large volume we resort to dividing the project between several translators and unifying the terminology during the subsequent editing phase.

Technical Translation Centre 
phone: +372 661 3738